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Newsletter 06 [Aug 2022]

You´ll find in this edition:

-  Our website was updated.

-  Dr. Karen Jacobs, CITG chair, received the IEA Fellow Award

-  Nominations For CITG Officer Positions, 2022-2024

-  CITG Activities during HFES 2022

- Our website was updated!

Once HFES changed its logo and colors, our website was also updated. Comments and suggestions about the new layout and navigation are welcome! 

- Dr. Karen Jacobs, CITG chair, received the IEA Fellow Award.

 Dr. Karen Jacobs is an enthusiastic professional that has been serving CITG since its beginning and is currently our Chaur,  received IEA Fellows Award!

 Karen has been active in different Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Technical Groups, such as Children's Issues and Environmental Design. Among many contributions HFES.

We congratulate Dr. Karen Jacobs, OT, EdD, OTR, CPE, FAOTA, on receiving the IEA Fellows Award! You can check an interview published in the EDTG newsletter, where Karen shares her thoughts about this award. 

- Nominations For CITG Officers Positions, 2022-2024.


All members are welcome to serve our CITG as officers! Nominations are being accepted for TG Chair, Program Chair, and Electronic Communications Chair positions. Please consider nominating yourself or suitable colleagues using this Nomination Form.


Position descriptions:

  • TG Chair is responsible for ensuring that the group meets its minimum requirements. The Chair works with the HFES executive director to schedule the TG's annual business meeting and arrange other events; with the electronic communications chair regarding timing, content, and distribution method of TG communications; and with other officers to ensure that TG activities are being carried out. The Chair also represents the TG as a Council of Technical Groups member.

  • Program Chair is responsible for overseeing the technical review of proposals submitted to the TG for the HFES Annual Meeting.
    (Note - A Handbook for program chairs is made available online each year with guidance on how to coordinate the technical review of proposals submitted.)

  • Electronic Communications Chair is responsible for coordinating all electronic communications to TG members. For CITG, this includes working with the TG Chair to develop a biannual newsletter for members and keeping active and up-to-date the TG community page (HFES Connect), and website ( pages.



. The TG Chair and Program Chair must be current full members of HFES and CITG.

. E-Communications Chair may be an associate, affiliate, transitional, or student member of HFES and member of EDTG.

. Outgoing officers will work closely with the newly elected officers to ensure a smooth transition.

. All positions are two-year terms, effective October 2022 to October 2024.


Nominations may be submitted using this Nomination Form by August 31st, 2022, 11:59 pm US ET. Self-nominations are allowed.  In the case of multiple nominations for the same position, a members-only election in September 2022 will be conducted.

-  CITG Activities during HFES 2022

As part of the Preliminary Program Outline, our Technical Group, you can check here soon the CITG  activities for 2022 during HFES 66th Annual Meeting (Subject to change)


The impact of distance learning on physical activity, mental health, and learning among 4th graders during the COVID-19 pandemic


Austin Sanders; Carisa Harris Adamson; Brittany Ballen; Alan Barr; Melissa Afterman; Michelle Robertson; Judith Okoro


The COVID-19 pandemic introduced additional concerns for childhood obesity, cardiometabolic disorders, and mental health among children from lower socioeconomic status (SES) households. This study aimed to understand how distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted health habits, mental health, and metabolic health of 4th graders in an under-resourced district. 4th graders from 3 elementary schools answered questions about their habits related to diet, physical activity, sleep, and hydration during the pandemic (distance learning). Students’ height, weight, waist, and hip measurements were recorded to assess metabolic health. 4th graders (n = 40) reported an overall more productive learning environment and healthier lifestyle while in school compared to learning at home. Metabolic and mental health screening results suggest that schools and communities should address mental and physical health issues that may have been triggered or exacerbated by distance learning during the pandemic.


The Effect of Peer Influence on Parent Willingness to Transport Children in Autonomous Vehicles


Allegra Ayala; Kyle Hickerson; Hannah Lettie; Yi-Ching Lee


When considering autonomous vehicles (AV) as a potential to increase the mobility of children, one must consider parent opinion, as parents make transportation decisions for their families. This decision making may be impacted by several factors including peer influence on technology adoption from other parents. The current paper examines the potential for the social influence of other parents to impact parent willingness to adopt AVs for their own teenagers. Early adopter status was found to be significantly related to willingness, while effects of sex and age were non-significant. These findings add to the literature that the perceived notion of being an early adopter of technology contributes to parent willingness to use AV for their adolescent children. Future research should examine social and technology readiness factors in the willingness and adoption of AV in children’s mobility from a family perspective.

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© 2022 by Claudia Mont'Alvão | Children Issues Technical Group Webmaster

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